The Last Word of Christmas

Christmas in the Letters - Part 5

Dec. 29, 2024



Hebrews 1:1-3 provides insight into how God has communicated with humanity, transitioning from the Old Testament prophets to the ultimate revelation through Jesus Christ. In ancient times, prophets conveyed God's messages, but with the coming of Jesus, God has spoken to us through His Son. Jesus is not just another prophet; He is the heir of all things, the creator, and the sustainer of the universe. His words are the final and complete revelation from God. This message underscores the importance of Jesus' teachings and commands, urging believers to obey and align their lives with His word. The transfiguration of Jesus further emphasizes His divine authority, as God the Father declares, 'This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased; listen to Him.' As we celebrate Christmas, let us embrace Jesus as God's final word, seeking wisdom and guidance from Him in our daily decisions. Reflect on how His teachings influence your life and make a conscious effort to turn to His word for guidance.

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