Kingdom Exiles, Part 3

The Kingdom Focused Church - Part 23

Oct. 6, 2024


In today's message, we explored the concept of living as exiles in a world that often feels foreign to our faith, based on 1 Peter 2:11-17. Believers are described as 'sojourners and exiles,' emphasizing that our true citizenship is in heaven. This identity calls us to engage with the world while maintaining our heavenly customs and laws. We are encouraged to seek the welfare of our communities, as instructed in Jeremiah 29:7, and to pray fervently for our cities, neighborhoods, and leaders. Balancing seeking God and the welfare of the city is essential to avoid losing the gospel's power or becoming insular. Peter advises us to engage with gentleness and respect, reflecting Christ's love even in opposition. Practical applications include praying for our community, engaging respectfully, and seeking opportunities to serve, embodying Christ's love and making a meaningful impact on the world around us.

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