Kingdom Exiles, Part 1

The Kingdom Focused Church - Part 21

Sept. 15, 2024



In a world that often opposes our faith, we are called to live as exiles, recognizing that our true home is with God. Drawing from 1 Peter, we are reminded of our unique identity in Christ: a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, and God's treasured possession. This identity is not based on our merit but on God's grace and love. As exiles, our mission is to proclaim the excellencies of God, who called us out of darkness into His marvelous light. This involves sharing the gospel, living out our faith, and demonstrating His love and grace to the world. Despite the challenges and opposition we may face, we are assured of God's presence and strength, refining our faith through adversity. Embrace your identity in Christ, proclaim His excellencies, and face challenges with faith, knowing that you are valued and loved by God.

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